I’m a Blessed Mom of two, Autism Mom and Wife to one handsome guy. I really love cheering others on to not be afraid to be who they truly are or to go after those BIG dreams that they can’t stop thinking about. I understand what it’s like to struggle with balance of trying to be a present and great mom along with trying to make some time for yourself because caring for everyone else but you ALWAYS seems to win. We’ve been given this one life so it’s up to us to live it fully. I’ve learned that there is never going to be a “perfect” time to do all the things I want to do for myself so I just have to get bold and brave and learn to take small action daily. It’s a way that has allowed me to find joy in the day to day while still being able to be the Mom that my children need. Am I perfect? Bahahahaha!!! Not, even close. But I’m ok with that because I love my children like crazy and I know that I am waking up each day and doing my best. And although, I’m guilty of playing the comparison game and have compared myself to other moms that seem to have it so together all of the time, I know that is just not reality because we’re all struggling. I believe some may just hide it better. For me, I got really tired of trying to hide it so I just embrace this hot mess. Plus, learning to laugh at myself has been SO freeing. So, if you have ever compared yourself or felt like a disaster among other women or moms, you are most certainly NOT alone and we should totally be friends!!
My life is not even close to perfect, but this life is what I like to call “My Kind of Perfect”. It’s not always easy. Sometimes, it’s downright scary hard but I’ve chosen to focus on all the beauty that surrounds me because it’s WAY better than the alternative and God helps me do hard things.
So get comfortable, grab a coffee and I hope you keep reading or listening. Writing and Podcasting has always been therapeutic for me so if it helps someone in the process, then that’s even better! I promise to keep it real and share my adventures in real life from everything to being an Autism Mom to a woman chasing after her dreams. This would mean finally finishing that book I promised I’d write as soon as I have “free” time. 😉